Friday Tip

Dear Constant Reader,

It’s Friday again! How does that keep happening?

A few announcements first…

I’ll be teaching a fan dance routine workshop tomorrow (Saturday) at 2PM (Eastern), on-line. It’s Pay-What-You-Can and your fans can be any size and any material.


BeauTease Burlesque has a video in the Hollywood and Southern California Burlesque FILM Festival and we’d love your vote for Fan Favorite! You can vote up until midnight Pacific time on May 25th. Unless you watched the one screening of The Underwear Academy, you’ve never seen this act before, so go watch it and vote!

And now for your tip…

Don’t trust that your Facebook account will always exist.

Facebook, more than any other social media, has become ubiquitous in our lives and our businesses. As a performer, you need to use it to promote your shows and your other projects. That means creating events (and maybe selling tickets through them), running Pages and Groups, and other features. But…

FB does not love burlesque performers and other sexy people. You never know what post might get your shapely ass thrown in FB jail for 30 days or get your account suspended or even deleted. And FB makes it very hard to appeal their decisions and impossible to talk to an actual human being to get some answers or plead your case, so you may be stuck.

Make sure you have a backup account or a trusted friend or colleague set up as an admin on everything you run through FB so you’re not locked out.

M2These writings and other creative projects are supported by my 14 Patrons. Thank you so much! To become a Patron, go to my Patreon page. Or you can just tip me if you liked this.